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PSHE, Citizenship, RE, SMSC Lessons + Teaching Resources

Average Rating4.86
(based on 5707 reviews)

www.ecpublishing.co.uk We are the market leaders in PSHE + RSE resources, with over 14 million downloads of our lessons worldwide and over 5500 five star reviews. Established in 2015, our team of consultants and teachers has written for The Bank of England, The Children's Commissioner, The CCRC, The British Legion and many other UK charities and institutions. We love what we do and we aim to be highest quality and best value for money out there. Find us at www.ecpublishing.co.uk.




www.ecpublishing.co.uk We are the market leaders in PSHE + RSE resources, with over 14 million downloads of our lessons worldwide and over 5500 five star reviews. Established in 2015, our team of consultants and teachers has written for The Bank of England, The Children's Commissioner, The CCRC, The British Legion and many other UK charities and institutions. We love what we do and we aim to be highest quality and best value for money out there. Find us at www.ecpublishing.co.uk.
Relaxation + Stress

Relaxation + Stress

1 hour, fully resourced PSHE lesson all about the healthy ways we can relax and de-stress. The lesson investigates why many of our daily activities make us feel stressed, how this affects our bodies and how healthy relaxation methods can help us feel restored and refreshed. Created for the new PSHE DfE / PSHE Association guidelines. The pack includes a 1 hour long PowerPoint, information pack, differentiated challenge activities, worksheets, clips and literacy focus tasks. These resources have been designed to be engaging, detailed and easy to follow. The lesson has been left editable and is filled with engaging, well differentiated and fun activities. It is designed to be perfect for use to help prepare students prepare for the stresses of the exam season, but could easily be used a more general PSHE healthy living lesson. The slides in the preview are just a sample and don’t show the whole lesson. Who are EC Publishing? EC Resources has created lessons for The Bank of England, The Children’s Commissioner, MACS Charity, Tes, LikeToBe Careers, The CCRC and has completed PSHE and Citizenship commissions for schools across the UK. You can find many more inexpensive and free PSHE, Citizenship and RE resources at my shop: MORE PSHE RESOURCES
Veganism + Vegetarianism

Veganism + Vegetarianism

A 25 minute Tutor Time session all about why veganism and vegetarianism are increasing in popularity. The session investigates whether these ways of eating are healthier, why people believe it is difficult to be vegan and the main reasons why people are taking up diets that avoid animal products. The session contains three challenge learning outcomes, slides of easy to digest information, a clip task with differentiated questions, a quiz and final reflection task. The session is editable and been created to be perfect to just pick up and use. The slides in the previews are just a sample and not the whole session. This is a 25 minute session. For full, hour long PSHE lessons on the topic of Health and Wellbeing, please see here. Or for full PSHE, RE and Citizenship units of work, please check out the EC Resources store. EC Resources are a small group of teachers who have created resources for the Children’s Commissioner, the CCRC, MACs Charity, TES and various other schools and charitable organisations across the UK.
Balanced Diets

Balanced Diets

A 25 minute Tutor Time session all about maintaining a healthy and balanced diet. The session investigates the different food groups we need to be healthy and in what proportions, as well as why we can’t just take a vitamin pill to get the nutrients we need and why we are recommended to eat five portions of fruit and veg a day. The session contains three challenge learning outcomes, slides of easy to digest information, a clip task with differentiated questions, a quiz and final reflection task. The session is editable and been created to be perfect to just pick up and use. The slides in the previews are just a sample and not the whole session. This is a 25 minute session. For full, hour long PSHE lessons on the topic of Health and Wellbeing, please see here. Or for full PSHE, RE and Citizenship units of work, please check out the EC Resources store. EC Resources are a small group of teachers who have created resources for the Children’s Commissioner, the CCRC, MACs Charity, TES and various other schools and charitable organisations across the UK.


5 Resources
6 hours worth of lessons with a focus on the obesity epidemic that Britain is currently facing. These lessons investigate why it is so much easier and cheaper to eat in an unhealthy way and the benefits of keeping a healthy weight. Lessons include: Body positivity and obesity How can I commit to a healthy life and maintain my weight through exercise and eating well? Are takeaways and fatty foods really that bad for us? Healthy eating, BMI and obesity The body positive movement, social media and fads The lessons contains three challenge learning outcomes, slides of easy to digest information and worksheets, clip tasks with differentiated questions, a quiz and final reflection task / plenaries. The sessions are editable and been created to be perfect to just pick up and use. The slides in the previews are just a sample and not the whole session. For more PSHE lessons on the topic of Health and Wellbeing, please see here. Or for full PSHE, RE and Citizenship units of work, please check out the EC Resources store. EC Resources are a small group of teachers who have created resources for the Children’s Commissioner, the CCRC, MACs Charity, TES and various other schools and charitable organisations across the UK.
Keeping Healthy in Winter

Keeping Healthy in Winter

A 25 minute Tutor Time session all about keeping well through the winter months. The aim of this session is to help enable Form Tutors to improve attendance by giving students practical advice on how to avoid colds and other bugs during the winter season. The session contains three challenge learning outcomes, slides of easy to digest information, a clip task with differentiated questions, a quiz and final reflection task. The session is editable and been created to be perfect to just pick up and use. The slides in the previews are just a sample and not the whole session. This is a 25 minute session. For full, hour long PSHE lessons on the topic of Health and Wellbeing, please see here. Or for full PSHE, RE and Citizenship units of work, please check out the EC Resources store. EC Resources are a small group of teachers who have created resources for the Children’s Commissioner, the CCRC, MACs Charity, TES and various other schools and charitable organisations across the UK.
Healthy Eating - Fats

Healthy Eating - Fats

A 25 minute Tutor Time session all about fast food, takeaways and the dangers of consuming too much fat. The session contains three challenge learning outcomes, slides of easy to digest information, a clip task with differentiated questions, a quiz and final reflection task. The session is editable and been created to be perfect to just pick up and use. The slides in the previews are just a sample and not the whole session. This is a 25 minute session. For full, hour long PSHE lessons on the topic of Health and Wellbeing, please see here. Or for full PSHE, RE and Citizenship units of work, please check out the EC Resources store. EC Resources are a small group of teachers who have created resources for the Children’s Commissioner, the CCRC, MACs Charity, TES and various other schools and charitable organisations across the UK.


A 25 minute Tutor Time session all about the importance of exercise. The session contains three challenge learning outcomes, slides of easy to digest information, a clip task with differentiated questions, a quiz and final reflection task. The session is editable and been created to be perfect to just pick up and use. The slides in the previews are just a sample and not the whole session. This is a 25 minute session. For full, hour long PSHE lessons on the topic of Health and Wellbeing, please see here. Or for full PSHE, RE and Citizenship units of work, please check out the EC Resources store. EC Resources are a small group of teachers who have created resources for the Children’s Commissioner, the CCRC, MACs Charity, TES and various other schools and charitable organisations across the UK.
Year 11 PSHE  + RSE Complete

Year 11 PSHE + RSE Complete

20 Resources
ONE YEAR OF RESOURCES - Be ready for the new 2020 DfE PSHE and RSE guidelines! This Year 11 PSHE, Careers and RSE pack contains 1 Year’s worth of Yr 11 PSHE resources (it has now has 31 hours, accounting for study leave). 31 x fully resourced, highly-rated PSHE lesson packs and units. All 31 lesson packs (bundled into 20 separate downloads), complete with at least one hour-long Powerpoint, accompanying differentiated worksheets, clip links with questions, plenaries, clear LOs, starters. All are well differentiated to three levels throughout. These resources have been highly-rated individually by TES users, follow the same consistent format and are easy to follow. This pack follows on from: 1 Year of Year 7 PSHE 1 Year of Year 8 PSHE 1 Year of Year 9 PSHE 1 Year of Year 10 PSHE There is zero extra work required, and the whole bundle follows PSHE Association 2020 SoW for Year 11 (KS4). You can also find this pack and further discounted packages at the EC Publishing website. I use all of these myself as a Head of PSHE and I really hope you find them excellent value. I’ve put literally months of time into this to make these lessons top quality for my own school team. You can also find the other ‘one year of PSHE’ packages for all of the KS3 groups at my store. Please note, this bundle has 30 lessons in rather than the 37 of of the other packs. This is to account for the fact most schools break up for study leave in May half term. This is also reflected in the price as the pack is the cheapest of the five year groups. I also have a 1 YEAR OF CITIZENSHIP bundle (37 lessons) available here:1 Year’s worth of Citizenship and I have a 1 YEAR OF RE bundle (36 lessons) available here:1 Year’s worth of RE Many more inexpensive and free resources at my shop: EC_Resources Leave me a review and pick any other resource for free :).
Tutor Time PSHE

Tutor Time PSHE

5 Resources
New Tutor Time sessions for 2019 with a focus on Health and Wellbeing. Each session contains three challenge learning outcomes, slides of easy to digest information, a clip task with differentiated questions, a quiz and final reflection task. The sessions are editable and been created to be perfect to just pick up and use. The slides in the previews are just a sample and not the whole session. These are 25 minute sessions. For full, hour long PSHE lessons on the topic of Health and Wellbeing, please see here. Or for full PSHE, RE and Citizenship units of work, please check out the EC Resources store. EC Resources are a small group of teachers who have created resources for the Children’s Commissioner, the CCRC, MACs Charity, TES and various other schools and charitable organisations across the UK.
Body image + Body Positivity PSHE

Body image + Body Positivity PSHE

One hour, fully resourced lesson (PowerPoint, worksheets, clip tasks, activities, all differentiated three ways) all about the debate surrounding body positivity and obesity. The lesson introduces students to the health risks of obesity and also the positives of body positivity, before focusing on the debate surrounding the plus-size model Tess Holliday’s appearance on the front cover of Cosmopolitan Magazine. Students create extended responses to Piers Morgan’s negative tweeting about plus-size models as a literacy focus task. The lesson is adaptable, easy to follow and fully differentiated. It could be used by a PSHE or Tutor group. It is suitable for KS3 or KS4. This resource pack includes an hour long PowerPoint with accompanying worksheets, templates, well differentiated activities, literacy focus tasks, clip tasks with three-way differentiated questions and information sheets. The lesson has been left editable and is filled with engaging, well differentiated and fun activities. As with all our lessons, you don’t need any prior knowledge as all the information is included - you can just pick up and teach it. You can find many more inexpensive and free RE, Citizenship and PSHE resources at my shop: MORE RE RESOURCES This lesson is taken from the EC Publishing Complete Secondary Package which can be found at our the EC Publishing website. You can also visit my Tes store https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/EC_Resources for everything PSHE, RSE, RE and Citizenship. Find more lessons on everything from RSE, misogyny, masculinity and Andrew Tate to jobs, consent, stereotyping, employment and careers, dating, love, drugs, alcohol, vaping, sleep, mental health and wellbeing, extremism, pornography, gender and transgender prejudice, racism, British Values, living in the wider world, sexual health, equality and diversity, STIs, contraception, sex and relationships and much more at our website.
Independent Living + Careers

Independent Living + Careers

16 Resources
A unit of 16 x 1 hour long, fully resourced life skills / PSHE lessons with a focus on independent living, this pack is particularly suited to KS4 and has been prepared to fit the PSHE Associations KS4 topic of ‘Living in the Wider World.’ This could easily be used for KS3 or ASDAN too and everything is editable, so you can always change it to suit your classes if you like. All the lessons have been highly rated and reviewed by Tes users and I have always used these as Head of PSHE / Life Skills too. Variety of different level tasks for MA,LA or Core - Differentiated to 3 levels - Designed to fit Ofsted criteria for’ Good’ or above - Meets all Ofsted ‘Safe Students’ requirements. Many more inexpensive or free resources can be found at my store: EC RESOURCES
Year 11 PSHE

Year 11 PSHE

17 Resources
20 x fully resourced, highly-rated PSHE lesson packs and units suitable for Year 11 or KS5. From Revision and Study Skills, Living Independently, RSE, Finance and Careers to Body Image, Sleep, The Dark Web and University Applications - this really is a comprehensive KS4 or KS5 PSHE lesson bundle. All 20 lessons are complete with at least one hour-long powerpoint, accompanying differentiated worksheets, clip links with questions, plenaries, clear LOs and starters. All are well differentiated to three levels throughout to enable clear evidence of progress for all students. These resources have been highly-rated individually by TES users, follow the same consistent format and are easy to follow. There is zero extra work required, and the whole bundle follows PSHE Association topic recommendations and Ofsted latest SRE/ PSHE Association guidance for Year 11. I use all of these myself as a Head of PSHE and I really hope you find them excellent value. I’ve put literally months of time into this to make these lessons top quality for my own school team. Please leave me a review and I’ll send you any other resource of your choice for free. If you like the look of this, I also have a popular complete KS4 one year of PSHE pack here. Many more inexpensive and free resources at my shop - where you can find my bundles for other year groups: EC_Resources Leave me a review and pick any other resource for free :) You can also find us on facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ecteachresources/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/ec_publishing
Relationships and Sex Education

Relationships and Sex Education

9 Resources
This is half term one of the EC Resources Complete Year 8 PSHE Pack. This bundle includes 7 hours’ worth of lessons. It also includes a detailed scheme of work and an assessment pack, full of optional assessment ideas. All of the lesson packs are complete with detailed, well-differentiated and easy to follow PowerPoints, accompanying differentiated worksheets, information sheets, clip links with questions, plenaries, clear LOs, starters and engaging activities. They also have colour coded three-level challenges throughout, so students can choose different levels of challenge in every activity and you can easily measure progress throughout the lesson. Everything is editable too. The pack has been mapped to the PSHE Association’s guidelines and coding for the new Statutory 2020 PSHE Curriculum (as detailed in the scheme of work) but over the year includes much more than the statutory requirements, including both British Values, Citizenship and Careers too. The Complete Year 8 Pack can be found here: The Complete Year 8 Pack is part of the Complete KS3 Pack on the EC Publishing website. A full, Secondary Complete KS3 + KS4 Pack which includes 179 hours of PSHE lessons and schemes of work is also available at our website. Who are EC Resources? EC Resources are a small team of teachers and PSHE Consultants who have created curriculums for schools across the country and have worked to produce resources for The Children’s Commissioner, The Criminal Cases Review Commission (UK Gov), MACS Charity, LikeToBe Careers and many other charities and UK institutions. We are Tes Award nominees for English and have had over 2 million downloads of our PSHE and Citizenship resources worldwide. You can contact us at info@ecpublishing.co.uk
Healthy Choices and Risks Drop and Down Day

Healthy Choices and Risks Drop and Down Day

6 Resources
Drop Down Day Pack - A set of 6 lessons to cover a Drop Down Day (6 hours) all about good decision making; healthy choices and risks. The Drop Down Day was put together for KS3/4 originally, but all the resources are editable and well-differentiated so it could be used with any year group KS4 / KS3 with a tweak or so. All these individual lessons have been rated very highly by Tes users and are tried and tested in my own department. You can find many more inexpensive and free PSHE, Citizenship and RE resources at my shop: <a href=“https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/EC_Resources”><br /> Leave me a review and pick any other resource for free :)</a><br />
Body Image, Development + Puberty

Body Image, Development + Puberty

10 Resources
MORE ADDED! 12 x 1 hour (in 9 packs) PSHE , Digital Citizenship or Tutor Time sessions with a focus on body Image and the body changes young people face through puberty. This 11 lesson pack focuses on media influence, how young people feel about their bodies, how diversity and variety is normal, male and female body image, impact on mental health and the rise of selfie culture. It also includes an optional assessment pack you can use at the end of the unit. EC Resources are the top Tes PSHE provider and have created content for the Children’s Commissioner, the Criminal Cases Review Commission (UK Gov), MACs charity and other institutions and charities across the UK. All of our content is editable, so you can adapt it to suit your school. Please leave me a review and I’ll send you any other resource of your choice for free. Many more inexpensive and free resources at my shop: (http://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/EC_Resources) Leave me a review and pick any other resource for free :)
Energy Drinks - Caffeine PSHE

Energy Drinks - Caffeine PSHE

A one hour lesson focusing on the health and behavioural problems caused by energy drinks. This one hour PSHE lesson is designed to make students think twice about consuming these before school and to make them aware of the serious long term health consequences of consuming sugary, caffeinated drinks in large quantities. This pack includes a PowerPoint, worksheets, clips, all well differentiated. Check out the EC Publishing website for full, affordable PSHE, Citizenship and RE Packages for all year groups including the new 2024 Complete PSHE Package. You can contact us at info@ecpublishing.co.uk These resources have been designed to be engaging, detailed and easy to follow. All our resources are editable (so easy to adapt for your classes). You can find many more inexpensive and free PSHE, Citizenship and RE resources at my shop: EC_Resources Leave me a review and pick any other resource for free :)
Exam Stress

Exam Stress

7 Resources
7 hours of PSHE or Tutor Time sessions to help your class deal with the upcoming mock or exam season + one 20 minute assembly. This pack shows students the best relaxation techniques, the best way to prepare for tough times ahead, GCSE stress (or any exam stress)and fosters an ability to bounce back and be resilient. Please leave me a review and I’ll send you any other resource of your choice for free. Many more inexpensive and free resources at my shop: (http://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/EC_Resources) Leave me a review and pick any other resource for free :)
Body Image: Male Body Image PSHE

Body Image: Male Body Image PSHE

PSHE / RSE resources: 1 hour PowerPoint, worksheets, clips, well differentiated, KS3/ KS4. A resource focusing on the sometimes overlooked issue of male body image, the issues affecting boys as their bodies change through puberty and the pressure to appear macho. These resources have been designed to be engaging, detailed and easy to follow. All our resources are editable (so easy to adapt for your classes) and are designed to last one hour each. You can find many more inexpensive and free PSHE, Citizenship and RE resources at my shop: EC_Resources Leave me a review and pick any other resource for free :) Or you can check out some of our most popular PSHE, Citizenship and RE resources below: Mental Health PSHE Bundle 1 Whole Year of PSHE Resources British Values Citizenship Bundle Careers, Employment and Enterprise Bundle Islam Bundle Sex and Relationships Education
Life Skills + Careers

Life Skills + Careers

20 Resources
20 (More added!) x fully resourced, highly-rated Life Skills lesson packs. All 20 lesson packs are complete with at least one hour-long powerpoint, accompanying differentiated worksheets, clip links with questions, plenaries, clear LOs and starters. All are well differentiated to three levels throughout to enable clear evidence of progress for all students. These resources have been highly-rated individually by TES users, follow the same consistent format and are easy to follow. There is zero extra work required. You can just have a quick look at them and teach - instructions are very clear as you go along. I use all of these myself as a Head of Life Skills, PSHE and ASDAN and I really hope you find them excellent value. I’ve put literally months of time into this to make these lessons top quality for my own school team. Please leave me a review and I’ll send you any other resource of your choice for free. Many more inexpensive and free resources at my shop: EC_Resources Leave me a review and pick any other resource for free :)